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Cruttwell, Maud

Dernière modification
15/01/2025 23:33 (il y a 2 mois)
Type de personne
Type de personne : 
Nom : 
Prénom : 
Sexe : 
Nationalité : 
Nom : 
Prénom : 
Maud Alice
Qualificatif : 
Naissance et mort
Date de naissance : 
1 octobre 1859
Lieu de naissance : 
Commentaire Naissance : 

Née à Frome

Mère : Daniel, Georgiana

Père : Cruttwell, Wilson Clement

(source : AP, 7D 209, acte n° 1189)

Date de mort : 
30 juillet 1939
Lieu de mort : 
Commentaire Mort : 

« dans la nuit du vingt-neuf au trente juillet mil neuf cent trente-neuf, est décédée, rue Raynouard 7, Maud Alice Cruttwell […] sans profession, domiciliée à Paris » (source : AP, 7D 209, acte n° 1189)

Type d'adresse : 
Date de l'adresse : 
Ville : 
Commentaire Ville : 

(source : Johnston, Tiffany L. « Maud Cruttwell and the Berensons: ‘A preliminary canter to an independent career’ ».

19: Interdisciplinary Studies in the Long Nineteenth Century

. n° 28, 2019 [en ligne])

Date de l'adresse : 
Ville : 
Commentaire Ville : 

à Florence chez Eugene Lee ; à proximité de Fiesole, Villa Rosa, chez Mary Costelloe et Bernhard Berenson ; à Florence avec Janet Dodge et Eugénie Sellers

(source : Johnston, Tiffany L. « Maud Cruttwell and the Berensons: ‘A preliminary canter to an independent career’ ».

19: Interdisciplinary Studies in the Long Nineteenth Century

. n° 28, 2019 [en ligne])

Type d'adresse : 
Date de l'adresse : 
Vers 1905
Ville : 
Commentaire Ville : 

« Although Mary undertook her review in January 1903, it was not published until September 1905 as Cruttwell had requested that an article she was preparing on Girolamo della Robbia appear first […]. Cruttwell had moved to Paris in the interval so Mary provided a letter of introduction to her well-connected friend with a penchant for young women, Salomon Reinach, explaining that Cruttwell’s recent book on the della Robbias was ‘far better’ than any other on the topic » (source : Johnston, Tiffany L. « Maud Cruttwell and the Berensons: ‘A preliminary canter to an independent career’ ».

19: Interdisciplinary Studies in the Long Nineteenth Century

. n° 28, 2019 [en ligne])

Professions / activités
Type de profession / activité : 
Date d'activité : 
1897 - 1913
Commentaire Professions / activités : 

première publication en 1897 (source : Cruttwell, Maud. « Three Mysterious Profiles of the Fifteenth Century ».

Art Journal

. octobre 1897, p. 312-316)

Type de profession / activité : 
Lieu institution : 
Date d'activité : 
1889 - 1894
Commentaire Professions / activités : 

« Cruttwell had lived in Frome with her widowed father for several years before moving to London where she pursued an artistic career and, between 1889 and 1894, exhibited her work at the Royal Academy, the Royal Institute of Oil Paintings, and the Society of Women Artists. » (source : Johnston, Tiffany L. « Maud Cruttwell and the Berensons: ‘A preliminary canter to an independent career’ ».

19: Interdisciplinary Studies in the Long Nineteenth Century

. n° 28, 2019 [en ligne])

« Maud Cruttwell worked in Kensington at 25 Bolton Studios on Redcliffe Road. Her works, usually of small scale and modest quality, often depicted genteel pastimes. In 1891 she exhibited a picture at the Royal Academy Summer Exhibition bearing a title reminiscent of the contemporary vogue for collecting and connoisseurship, A Doubtful Bargain (cat. no. 944). See Christopher Wood, Dictionary of Victorian Painters (Woodbridge: Antique Collector’s Club, 1995), p. 125. » (source : Ventrella, Francesco. « Writing Under Pressure: Maud Cruttwell and the Old Master Monograph ».

19: Interdisciplinary Studies in the Long Nineteenth Century

. n° 28, 2019 [en ligne])

Type de profession / activité : 
Lieu institution : 
Date d'activité : 
novembre 1893 - 1896
Commentaire Professions / activités : 

secrétaire d’Eugene Lee à Florence en octobre-novembre 1893 (source : Johnston, Tiffany L. « Maud Cruttwell and the Berensons: ‘A preliminary canter to an independent career’ ».

19: Interdisciplinary Studies in the Long Nineteenth Century

. n° 28, 2019 [en ligne])

gouvernante de Mary Costelloe et assistante de Bernhard Berenson à partir de 1894 (source : Ventrella, Francesco. « Maud Alice Wilson Cruttwell (1860-1939) ».

19: Interdisciplinary Studies in the Long Nineteenth Century

. n° 28, 2019 [en ligne])

« As Cruttwell planned to return to England when Mary did, Mary suggested they travel together, informing her mother that it seemed possible that Cruttwell might ‘take up my studies and possibly travel with me a great deal in the future’. To allay her mother’s concerns, Mary added that travelling with Cruttwell could be ‘the removal of one difficulty at any rate’, reiterating that with very little encouragement, Cruttwell could do excellent work as her ‘definite pupil’ […]. In fact, by March 1894, Mary had invited Cruttwell to rent a small villa together and it was arranged that Cruttwell, with her ‘exquisite sense of order’, would act as housekeeper in exchange for Mary’s instruction in the study of Italian Renaissance art. […] She lived quietly at Villa Rosa with Cruttwell, studying books, paintings, and photographs, working collaboratively with Berenson on his writing, and quickly discovering that her pseudonym could also be used effectively to shape the reception of his scholarship — work to which her own future prospects were intimately tied. Cruttwell managed the house deftly and economically and they had no visitors except when a class gathered once a week around ‘Bernard’s table’ to examine photographs and ask questions. […] Mary’s arrangement with Cruttwell remained congenial until February 1896 when Berenson made a careless remark about Cruttwell’s mental capabilities to a third party who, unbeknown to Mary, then repeated it to Cruttwell. Almost predictably, Cruttwell entered ‘a state of smoldering wrath’, reproaching the villa for having ‘degenerated’ and losing her temper at the table, the only time they were typically in contact. Mary initially took the outbursts as Cruttwell’s ‘way’, but the episode ended with Cruttwell renting rooms in Florence and Mary staying at Villa Rosa, sharing the expenses with her friends Janet Dodge and the archaeologist Eugénie Sellers instead. After enduring several months of Sellers’s arguments with Vernon Lee and Dodge’s illnesses, however, Mary longed for the days of Cruttwell’s cheerfulness and independence […]. » (source : Johnston, Tiffany L. « Maud Cruttwell and the Berensons: ‘A preliminary canter to an independent career’ ».

19: Interdisciplinary Studies in the Long Nineteenth Century

. n° 28, 2019 [en ligne])

Commentaire biographique : 

Formation :

formation de peintre à Londres ; formation en histoire de l’art auprès de Bernhard Berenson et Mary Costelloe (source : Johnston, Tiffany L. « Maud Cruttwell and the Berensons: ‘A preliminary canter to an independent career’ ».

19: Interdisciplinary Studies in the Long Nineteenth Century

. n° 28, 2019 [en ligne])

Langues maîtrisées :

italien ; français

Mentions dans la littérature :

Leavitt, David.

Florence, a delicate case

. New York : Bloomsbury, 2002, p. 83, 170 ; Parker, Robert Allerton.

Transatlantic Smiths

. New York : Random House, 1959, p. 102-110, p. 160-161 ; Samuels, Ernest.

Bernard Berenson: The Making of a Connoisseur

. Cambridge (Mass.) ; Londres : The Belknap Press of Harvard University Press, 1979, p. 354 ; Seymour, Miranda.

Ottoline Morrell : life on the grand scale

. Londres ; Sydney ; Auckland : Hodder & Stoughton, 1992 ; Weber, Nicholas Fox.

Freud’s Trip to Orvieto: The Great Doctor’s Unresolved Confrontation with Antisemitism, Death, and Homoeroticism; His Passion for Paintings; and the Writer in His Footsteps

. New York : Bellevue Literary Press, 2017, chapitre 12.

Liens entre personnes
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Commentaire Type de lien horizontal : 

Maud Cruttwell est l'élève de Bernard Berenson et témoin de son mariage avec Mary Costelloes en 1900. « Throughout 1899 Cruttwell continued to frequent Mary and Berenson's company, studying their photo collection, enlisting Mary's help in editing the manuscript of her next monograph on Mantegna, and even standing witness at their civil marriag ». (source : Johnston, Tiffany L. « Maud Cruttwell and the Berensons: 'A preliminary canter to an independent career' ». 19: Interdisciplinary Studies in the Long Nineteenth Century. n° 28, 2019 [en ligne]).

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Commentaire Type de lien horizontal : 

Maud Cruttwell est la gouvernante et l'élève de Mary Costelloe en Italie ; elle est témoin de son mariage avec Bernard Berenson en 1900. Mary Costelloe écrit plusieurs compte-rendu élogieux des travaux de Cruttwell. « After an introduction made by Vernon Lee, in 1894 Cruttwell started to work as housekeeper and secretary for Mary Costelloe before the latter married Bernard Berenson in 1900. In the first stages of her career, Cruttwell could rely on Mary for some feedback on her work: 'Maud Cruttwell came here and read me the Signorelli, which will, I think, be very decent' (Mary Berenson's diary, 7 May 1899 [...]); 'Miss Cruttwell to lunch and read her Signorelli Orvieto chapter' (diary, 31 May 1899) ». (source : Ventrella, Francesco. « Writing Under Pressure: Maud Cruttwell and the Old Master Monograph ». 19: Interdisciplinary Studies in the Long Nineteenth Century. n° 28, 2019 [en ligne]). (source : Logan, Mary. « Luca Signorelli, by Maud Cruttwell. In-16, XI-144 p., av. 41 grav. Carlo Crivelli, by G. Mc Neil Rushforth, M. A. In-16, XI-122 p., av. 38 grav. (Collection des Great Masters in Painting and Sculpture éd. par G. C. Williamson). London, George Bell and Sons, 1900. ». La Chronique des arts et de la curiosité. n° 11, 17 mars 1900, p. 99-100 ; Logan, Mary. « Luca et Andrea della Robbia et leurs successeurs par Maud Cruttvell ». Gazette des beaux-arts. tome XXXIV, septembre 1905, p. 256-264).

Lien notice : 
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Commentaire Type de lien horizontal : 

Maud Cruttwell et Mediha Sultan sont amies. « As early as 1907, Cruttwell had befriended Ottoman Princess Mediha Sultan (1856–1928), whose family would be exiled in France; Cruttwell dedicated her book The Princess des Ursins to her. » (source : Johnston, Tiffany L. « Maud Cruttwell and the Berensons: 'A preliminary canter to an independent career' ». 19: Interdisciplinary Studies in the Long Nineteenth Century. n° 28, 2019 [en ligne]).

Bibliographies / archives
Sources en ligne
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Date de consultation : 
Url document source : 
Date de consultation : 
source : Institut national d'histoire de l'art (France) - licence : Attribution 4.0 International (CC BY 4.0)
Pascale Cugy