Pauline Hopkins’s Portrayal of the African-American New Woman in Contending Forces and the Coloured American Magazine
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Référence complète
Matter-Seibel, Sabine. “Pauline Hopkins’s Portrayal of the African-American New Woman in Contending Forces and the Coloured American Magazine”. In Heilmann, Ann. Éd. Feminist Forerunners. Womanism and Feminism in the Early Twentieth Century. London : Rivers Oram, 2001, p. 76-86.
Titre ouvrage :
Feminist Forerunners. Womanism and Feminism in the Early Twentieth Century
Auteurs contribution
Nom de l'auteur contribution :
Matter-Seibel, Sabine
Publications en série / contributions
Titre article / contribution :
Pauline Hopkins’s Portrayal of the African-American New Woman in Contending Forces and the Coloured American Magazine
Plage de pagination article / contribution :
source : Institut national d'histoire de l'art (France) - licence : Attribution 4.0 International (CC BY 4.0)