Catalogue of the Earl of Crawford's Speculum Romanae magnificentiae now in the Avery Architectural Library
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Référence complète
Mc Ginnis, Lawrence R. et Mitchell, Herbert. - Catalogue of the Earl of Crawford's Speculum Romanae magnificentiae now in the Avery Architectural Library. New York, The Library, Columbia University, 1976.
Mc Ginnis et Mitchell, 1976, Lafréri
Titre ouvrage :
Catalogue of the Earl of Crawford's Speculum Romanae magnificentiae now in the Avery Architectural Library
Note :
ABSTRACT: The Speculum Romanae magnificentiae is an informal collection of 16th c. prints produced by a number of engravers depicting Roman views. This particular edition was first published ca.1574 by Antonio Lafrery and was in the collection of the 27th earl of Crawford. (S
source : Institut national d'histoire de l'art (France) - licence : Attribution 4.0 International (CC BY 4.0)
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