Sotheby's. Paintings and works of art from the collections of the late Lord Clark of Saltwood. I : Paintings. II : Medieval and Renaissance illuminated miniatures. III: Paintings and works of art befo [...]
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Référence complète
Sotheby's. Paintings and works of art from the collections of the late Lord Clark of Saltwood. I : Paintings. II : Medieval and Renaissance illuminated miniatures. III: Paintings and works of art before 1850, Londres : 27 Juin 1984, 200 nos, 248 p.
Sotheby's vente Clark of Saltwood, 27-06-1984
Titre ouvrage :
Sotheby's. Paintings and works of art from the collections of the late Lord Clark of Saltwood. I : Paintings. II : Medieval and Renaissance illuminated miniatures. III: Paintings and works of art before 1850
Publications en série / contributions
Nombre de pages :
248 p.
Indexation RAMEAU :
Commentaire Indexations :
Collection Clark of Saltwood ; oeuvre de Limoges
source : Institut national d'histoire de l'art (France) / Musée du Louvre (Paris) / Ville de Limoges - licence : Attribution 4.0 International (CC BY 4.0)
Commentaire interne
mots-clés GF : Londres ; vente ; Sotheby's ; collection Clark of Saltwood ; OL
Geneviève François, Centre André Chastel