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21/03/2022 Collectionneurs, collecteurs et marchands d'art asiatique en France 1700-1939

Documentation on Monsieur Bergevin is extremely scarce. Nothing is known except that he was an officer in the navy.

The collection of Monsieur Bergevin included:

  • a dagger with a wooden scabbard from Sunda Island, noted as taken from Malay pirates;
  • a ronde-bosse statue of a lion found in the pagoda of Nath Tao;
  • a statuette of Buddha, with a label riveted onto the support indicating: ‘statuette of Buddha, god of India of China and of Conchinchina. Taken from the temple of Tonkkeou, brought from Cochinchina, and given by M. Bergevin, naval officer on 7 Xber 1863’;
  • a 19th century Cochinchina sabre, said to have been used for executions in Shanghai.

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