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Utamaro print representing a grasshopper among pink and purple flowers.


21/03/2022 Collectionneurs, collecteurs et marchands d'art asiatique en France 1700-1939

Biographical article

Pierre Lefèvre-Pontalis studied at the École des Langues Orientales, where he learned Malaysian and Annamite. In 1889, he joined the French Ministry of Foreign Affairs, where he worked in the Political Department. He was soon sent to Indochina. He met Auguste Pavie in 1885, which led him to take part in journeys to Laos. He also carried out several missions on his own. From June 1894 to March 1895, he took part in the international mission to delineate and demarcate frontiers as an Assistant Commissioner of the French Republic in Laos. He was subsequently employed in various diplomatic posts in several countries. In 1912, he was appointed Minister Plenipotentiary in Bangkok.