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21/03/2022 Collectionneurs, collecteurs et marchands d'art asiatique en France 1700-1939

The Collet Collection

Georges Collet trained at the École nationale des beaux-arts in Paris, where he graduated as an architect with a government degree (known as the DPLG) in 1921 (AN, 19771065/63). He also studied the art of industrial design (AN, 19771065/63).

From 1923 to 1933, Collet was sent to Indochina as an architect, head of service of the Crédit foncier de l'Indochine. He worked in the cities of Hanoi, Haiphong, and Saigon. His work at the Colonial Exhibition in Paris in 1931 was awarded with a silver medal. He was also honoured with the Order of the Cross of Annam (AN, 19771065/63).

The collection of Georges-Louis Collet was bequeathed by his widow, Denise Collet, to the Musée des Arts asiatiques in Toulon in 2009.