Critical studies and modern art : Teachers, Artists, Galleries and Exhibitions
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Référence complète
Dawtrey, Liz ; Jackson, Toby ; Masterton, Mary, et al. Critical studies and modern art : Teachers, Artists, Galleries and Exhibitions. New Haven : Yale University Press ; Open University, the Arts Council of England and the Tate Gallery, 1996. 188 p.
Nom de l'auteur :
Dawtrey, Liz ; Jackson, Toby ; Masterton, Mary ; Meecham, Pam ; Malik, Rohini ; Tawadros, Gilane ; Araeen, Rasheed.
Titre ouvrage :
Critical studies and modern art : Teachers, Artists, Galleries and Exhibitions
Indexation RAMEAU :
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source : Institut national d'histoire de l'art (France) - licence : Attribution 4.0 International (CC BY 4.0)
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prestation GRAHAL 2013