Intercultural communication and creative practice : music, dance, and women's cultural identity
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Référence complète
Lengel, Laura B., éd. Intercultural communication and creative practice : music, dance, and women's cultural identity. Westport ; Londres : Praeger : Praeger Publishers, 2005. 300 p.
Nom de l'auteur :
Lengel, Laura B. ; Loots, Lliane ; Hubel, Teresa ; Foley, Sharon ; Lindley, Margaret ; Cooper Albright, Ann ; Newsom, Victoria Ann
Titre ouvrage :
Intercultural communication and creative practice : music, dance, and women's cultural identity
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source : Institut national d'histoire de l'art (France) - licence : Attribution 4.0 International (CC BY 4.0)
Commentaire interne
prestation GRAHAL 2013